About Me

I've been developing software since I was 12. After I had bought my first PHP book, I quickly started to dig deeper into this programming thing.
I started using Laravel a few days after version 4 got released.
Nowdays I spend my days working on a wide range of projects. My day job is developer at Entry Ninja. After hours, I run a gym subscription management platform called Gymme.
Oh and I live in Veenendaal, The Netherlands.
My setup
I use VSCode. I've tried PHPStorm and it is super nice, but it does too many things autmatically, for my taste. I am rocking a (now pretty old) iMac 5k from 2015 but it still puts a smile on my face every day.
One day I'm planning to get one of these hot Apple Silicone MacBook Pro's, but you know the struggle... Every time you finally convinced yourself to spend the bucks, a newer, faster but also more expensive model comes out.
Oh and I try to get all my colleagues on Mac's as well. They are always super grateful for that. (not really)